Protect your equipments with ESD cover

2024.07.16. 17:13

Would you like to have cover for a machine or cart in an EPA or cleanroom?

Protect your equipments with ESD cover. If you have got an EPA or cleanroom in your facility, and machines, shelves, magazine racks, reel holder trolleys there, you likely would like to preserve them in good condition, and use them well for as long as possible and needed. ESD covers made from fabric can help you about this.

With our own ESD clothing manufacturing capabilities we can produce special, unique products, for example covers for you. There are more options for these:


  • custom sizes, as it is suitable for you
  • made from ESD or cleanroom fabric
  • with snap, velcro or zip
  • openable design
  • with logo or other sign
  • with document holder pocket or foil pocket
  • with transparent „window” part

ESD Cover

Contact us and have your offer according to your request from our colleagues:

